Victim Offender Mediation Association VOMA response to September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.
February 26, 2002 - A Restorative Response to Terrorism developed by a group of attenders at the 2001 VOMA conference. September 21, 2001 - Letter of Support for VOMA in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, from the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice General Meeting, 21 September 2001, Leuven, Belgium September 19, 2001 - Communiqué from the Delegates at the Fifth International Conference on Restorative Justice. The Fifth International Conference on Restorative Justice was held at Leuven University, Belgium, on 16 - 19 September 2001. The participants were practitioners and researchers from over 20 countries. They support justice systems that bring together those harmed, the people causing the harm and their communities to understand what has happened and what needs to be done to handle conflicts. September 14, 2001 - VOMA statement on the events of September 11 VOMA* sends its regrets and heart-filled sympathies to the victims, survivors, and all those affected around the world by this week's tragic events. Our members throughout the country are here to lend services and support to those who need it. For more information about VOMA and for information about members in your area, please connect to our website at The VOMA Board asks its members to let VOMA know how they are responding to this tragedy, and in what ways VOMA can be helpful. Please contact us at *VOMA (Victim Offender Mediation Association) is an International Association advocating restorative justice and victim-offender dialogue as healing and peace-building responses for victims and offenders of crime. The administrative office located in Minneapolis, MN issues this statement on behalf of the board and members of VOMA. Last modified March 7, 2002. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.© 2014 Victim Offender Mediation Association |