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Victim Offender Mediation Association

R-O Mediare

Promotional Video Sparks Public Interest in Mediation

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Barbara Raye and Annie Warner Roberts in Romania.

VOMA Administrator Barbara Raye and Board Co-chair Annie Warner Roberts in Romania wearing muffler and mittens explained in the video clip.

In 2003, "RO-Mediere" was a joint project of CMSC (Community Mediation and Safety Center) in Iasi, Romania and VOMA (Victim Offender Mediation Association), and was intended to build the practice of mediation in Romania by:

  • Increasing mediation capacity through introduction of new services
  • Introducing legislation relative to mediation of disputes
  • Increasing public awareness

A brilliant promotional video clip premiered in Romania at the July 2003 official launch of a national media campaign. Aimed at increasing public awareness of mediation. VOMA and CMSC are proud to make this award-winning video available here as a website resource. Based upon a Romanian folk tale about two shepherds and a conflict about their flocks, the thirty-second video vividly portrays a universal message. Produced by McCann Erickson, the clip has been broadcast to millions of Romanian households. The video's first U.S. showing was at the 2003 VOMA conference. Audience response has been wholly enthusiastic.

Are you an individual or organization interested in providing the video clip for your local TV station to air as a PSA (Public Service Announcement)? Or would you like to use it for public presentations? Cornel Loghin, Project Director in Romania, is currently seeking permission from the producer. Please contact Annie Roberts, aroberts@umn.edu or 651-699-4532 if you are interested.

Also, for more detailed information on the Romanian/American partnership project, see the final report. A short version is available in Connections #15 on page 4. The introductory report in Connections is available in Connections #14 on page 11.

Translation of message/theme and credits at the end of the video clip:

  • MEDIATION : Alternative Conflict Resolution Method, suitable for any type of conflict
  • Media campaign sustained by CMSC-Iasi, Romania and VOMA-Minnesota,USA
  • Project financed under Romanian American Sustainable Program (RASP) - World Learning, USAID

Video from the RO-Mediere project.

Last modified February 3, 2004. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.
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