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Victim Offender Mediation Association
VOMA Bibliography
Inclusion of works on this page does not represent endorsement by the Board of VOMA, but rather recognition that the work has been identified as valuable by people working in the field. The initial content of this page was the bibliography provided by presenters at the 18th Annual VOMA Conference, and we continue adding to it. If you have suggested additions, please send them to the Webmaster. Books that are available for sale online have a link which opens a new window. Purchases made through this page benefit VOMA. Any purchases made through Amazon.com after entering from a link on this page will benefit VOMA. If you are looking for a video, click this link or the one above for our Videography. We also offer "Books and edited collections on restorative justice, 1994-2003" Compiled by Brigitte Bouhours and Kathleen Daly, February 2004. This work has no links, and its contents have been included below.
Restorative Justice Bibliography
| Ahmed, Eliza, Harris, Nathan, Braithwaite, John, & Braithwaite, Valerie (2001). Shame Management through Reintegration. Cambridge University Press. |
| Alder, Christine & Wundersitz, Joy (1994) Family Conferencing and Juvenile Justice: The Way Forward or Misplaced Optimism? Australian Institute of Criminology |
| Bailie, Gil (1997). Violence Unveiled: Humanity at the Crossroads. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company. |
| Barton, Charles K. (1999). Getting Even: Revenge as a Form of Justice. Open Court. |
| Barton, Charles K. (2003). Restorative Justice: The Empowerment Model. Federation Press. |
| Bazemore, Gordon and Walgrave, Lode (1999). RESTORATIVE JUVENILE JUSTICE: Repairing the Harm of Youth Crime. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. |
| Beck, Elizabeth, Britto, Sarah, Andrews, Arlene. (2007) In the Shadow of Death: Restorative Justice and Death Row Families. Oxford University Press USA. |
| Bazemore, S. Gordon and Schiff, Mara, eds. (2001). Restorative Community Justice : Repairing Harm and Transforming Communities. Anderson Pub. Co. |
| Berman, Harold J. (1983). Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. |
| Berman, Harold J. (2003) Law and Revolution II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition. Belknap Press. |
| Bianchi, Herman (September, 1973). 'Tsedeka Justice'. Review for Philosophy and Theology, pp. 306 - 317. |
| Bianchi, Herman (1994). Justice as Sanctuary: Toward a New System of Crime Control. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. |
| Boers, Arthur Paul (1992). Justice That Heals: A Biblical Vision for Victims and Offenders. Newton: Faith and Life Press. |
| Bowen, Helen & Consedine, Jim (1999) Restorative Justice: Contemporary Themes and Practice Ploughshares Books. |
| Braithwaite, John (1989). Crime, Shame and Reintegration. Cambridge University Press. |
| Braithwaite, John and Strang, Heather, eds. (2001). Restorative Justice and Civil Society. Cambridge University Press. |
| Braithwaite, John and Strang, Heather, eds. (2002). Restorative Justice and Family Violence. Cambridge University Press. |
| Braithwaite, John (2001). Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation. Studies in Crime and Public Policy. Oxford University Press. |
| Braswell, Michael, Fuller, John and Lozoff, Bo (2000). Corrections, Peacemaking, and Restorative Justice: Transforming Individuals and Institutions. Anderson Publishing Co. |
| Burnside, Jonathan & Baker, Nicola (eds.) (1994) Relational Justice: Repairing the Breach. Waterside Press. |
| Cayley, David (1999). The Expanding Prison: The Crisis in Crime and Punishment and the Search for Alternatives Pilgrim Press. |
| Christie, Nils (1982). Limits to Pain. Oxford: Martin Robertson. |
| Christie, Nils (1995). Crime Control as Industry: Towards GULAGS, Western Style. London: Routledge. |
| Coates, Robert, Kalanj, Boris & Umbreit, Mark (1994) Victim Meets Offender: The Impact of Restorative Justice and Mediation. Criminal Justice Press. |
| Colson, Charles. W. (2001) Justice that Restores Tyndale House Publishers. |
| Companion, A. (2001) Peace and Justice Shall Embrace: Toward Restorative Justice, a Prisoner's Perspective. Writers Club Press. |
| Consedine, Jim (1995) Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime. Ploughshares Books. |
Cordella, Peter (1995). "Book Review: Justice as Sanctuary, Herman Bianchi, Bloomington IN, Indiana University Press, 1994; 200 pages", Accord, Volume 14, No. 1. Clearbrook: Mennonite Central Committee Canada Victim Offender Ministries.
| Cragg, Wesley. (1992) The Practice of Punishment: Towards a Theory of Restorative Justice (Readings in Applied Ethics) Routledge |
| Crawford, Adam & Newburn, Tim (2003). Youth Offending and Restorative Justice: Implementing Reform in Youth Justice. Willan Publishing |
| De Gruchy, John W. (2003) Reconciliation: Restoring Justice. Fortress Press. |
European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice (2000). Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe: Making Restorative Justice Work. Leuven University Press.
| Derksen, Wilma (1991). Have You Seen Candace?: A true story of faith and forgiveness. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
Derksen, Wilma (1994). "Fifteen Elements of Healing for Victims". Accord. Vol. 13, No. 2. Clearbrook: Mennonite Central Committee Canada Victim Offender Ministries.
Fatic, Aleksandar (1995) Punishment and Restorative Crime-Handling. Avebury.
Fattah, Ezrah & Parmentier, Stefaan (eds.) (2001) Victim Policies and Criminal Justice on the Road to Restorative Justice. Leuven University Press
Fitzgibbons, R.P. (1986). "The cognitive and emotive uses of forgiveness in the treatment of anger". Psychotherapy, 23, 629 - 633.
Furio, Jennifer (2002) Restorative Justice: Prison as Hell or a Chance for Redemption?. Algora Publishing.
Gabor, Thomas (1994). Everybody Does It!: Crime by the Public. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
| Galaway, Burt and Hudson, Joe, eds (1996). Restorative Justice : International Perspectives. Willow Tree Press. |
Gehm John (1992). "The Function of Forgiveness in the Criminal Justice System". Restorative Justice on Trial: Pitfalls and Potentials of Victim-Offender Mediation - International Research Perspectives -. Heinz Messmer and Hans-Uwe Otto, Editors. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Girard, René (1987). "Generative Scapegoating" and "Discussion", Violent Origins: Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation. edited by Robert Hamerton-Kelly, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Graef, Roger (2001) Why Restorative Justice? Repairing the Harm Caused by Crime. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Griffith, Lee (1993). The Fall of the Prison: Biblical Perspectives on Prison Abolition. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Hamerton-Kelly, Robert (1994). "A Tribute to René Girard on his 70th birthday", Contagion. Rocky Mount: Colloquium on Violence and Religion at Stanford.
Hamilton, Associate Chief Justice A. C., and Sinclair, Associate Chief Judge C. M., Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba, Volumes I & II. Winnipeg: Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People.
Harris, Michael (1986) Justice Denied: The Law versus Donald Marshall. Toronto: Totem Books.
Jackson, Dave (1981). DIAL 911: Peaceful Christians and Urban Violence. Scottdale: Herald Press.
| Johnstone, Gerry (2002). Restorative Justice: Ideas, Values, Debates. Willan Publishing. |
| Johnstone, Gerry (2002) A Restorative Justice Reader: Texts, Sources and Context. Willan Publishing. |
| Howley, Pat (2003). Breaking Spears and Mending Hearts: Peacemakers and Restorative Justice in Bougainville. Zed Books. |
| Hudson, Joe, Morris, Allison, Maxwell, Gabrielle and Galaway, Burt eds. (1996) FAMILY GROUP CONFERENCES: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. |
Jülich, Shirley ed. (2003). Critical Issues in Restorative Justice: Advancing the Agenda. The Centre for Justice and Peace Development is pleased to announce the publication of proceedings from its 2002 hui series 'Critical Issues in Restorative Justice' (ed. Dr. Shirley Jülich). These are now available for purchase at the cost of $15 each (incl. GST), plus $2 p&p. Info by email w.j.tie@massey.ac.nz. The hui series brought together, under the guidance of Howard Zehr, small groups of practitioners, policy makers, and academics to discuss a range of critical issues facing restorative justice. The issues included the following: Accountability, ownership, and leadership; Practitioner-related issues; Indigenous traditions and the spirituality of restorative justice; Restorative justice in schools; Victim-related issues; Human rights abuses and restorative justice; and Defining restorative justice.
Karp, Carl and Rosner, Cecil (1991). When Justice Fails: The David Milgaard Story. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc.
| Karp, David and Allena, Thom (2004). Restorative Justice on the College Campus: Promoting Student Growth and Responsibility, and Reawakening the Spirit of Campus Community Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, LTD. |
Kee, Alistair (1982). Constantine versus Christ: The Triumph of Ideology. London, England: SCM Press Limited.
Kisly, Lorraine (1987). "Living in Communion: An interview with Father Thomas Hopko". Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition. New York: The Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition, Inc.; pp. 50 - 59.
Klassen, William (1977). Release to Those in Prison. Scottdale: Herald Press.
Lind, Millard C. (1990). Monotheism, Power, Justice: Collected Old Testament Essays, Text Reader Series No. 3. Elkhart, Indiana: Institute of Mennonite Studies.
Lode, Walgrave and Bazemore, Gordon, eds. (1999). Restorative Juvenile Justice : Repairing the Harm of Youth Crime. Willow Tree Press.
Lowe, Mick (1992). One Woman Army: The Life of Claire Culhane. Toronto: Macmillan Canada.
MacCallum-Paterson, Mort (1988). Toward a Justice that Heals: the church's response to crime. The United Church Publishing House.
Mackey, Virginia (1990). Restorative Justice: Toward Nonviolence. Louisville: Presbyterian Criminal Justice Program.
Mathiessen, Thomas (1990). Prison on Trial: A Critical Assessment. London: Sage Publications.
McCloskey, James (1991). "Convicting the Innocent". Accord. Vol. 10, No. 3. Clearbrook: Mennonite Central Committee Canada Victim Offender Ministries.
McCold, Paul (1997). Restorative Justice: An Annotated Bibliography. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. (Out of print, but available in updated form online at www.restorativejustice.org/asp/Advanced_search.asp.)
McHugh, Gerald Austin (1978). Christian Faith and Criminal Justice: Toward a Christian Response to Crime and Punishment. New York, New York: Paulist Press.
McLaughlin, Eugene, Fergusson, Ross, Hughes, Gordon, & Westmarland, Louise (eds.) (2003) Restorative Justice: Critical Issues. Sage Publishing.
Menninger, Karl (1969). The Crime of Punishment. New York: Viking Press.
Meurer, Siegfried (1972). Das Recht im Dienst der Versöhnung und des Friedens: Studie zur Frage des Rechts nach dem Neuen Testament. Zürich, Switzerland: Theologischer Verlag.
Moore, David & McDonald, John (2000) Transforming Conflict in Workplaces and Other Communities. Australian Print Group.
Morris, Mark, Editor (1976). Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists. Syracuse: Prison Research Education Action Project.
Morris, Ruth (1995). "Not Enough!". Mediation Quarterly. Volume 12, Number 3., Guest Editor, Harry Mika, Ph.D. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, pp. 285 - 291.
Morris, Ruth (1995). Penal Abolition the Practical Choice: A Practical Manual on Penal Abolition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.
Morris, Ruth (2000). Stories of Transformative Justice. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc.
Moule, C.F.D. (1990). "Punishment and Retribution: An Attempt to Delimit Their Scope in New Testament Thought," (MCC Occasional Paper No. 10). Akron, Pennsylvania: MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries Program and the MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice.
Northey, Wayne (1989). "Biblical/Theological Works Contributing to Restorative Justice: A Bibliographical Essay". (MCC Occasional Paper No. 8.) Akron, Pennsylvania: MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries Program and the MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice.
Northey, Wayne (1992). "Justice is Peacemaking: A Biblical Theology in Response to Criminal Conflict." (MCC Occasional Paper No. 12.) Akron, Pennsylvania: MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries Program and the MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice.
Northey, Wayne (1994). "Restorative Justice: Rebirth of an Ancient Practice." (MCC Occasional Paper No. 14.) Akron, Pennsylvania: MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries Program and the MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice.
| Perry, John (ed.) (2002) Repairing Communities through Restorative Justice. American Correctional Association. |
| Pranis, Kay (2005). The Little Book of Circle Processes : A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking (The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding Series). Good Books. |
| Kay Pranis, Mark Wedge, Barry Stuart. (2003). Peacemaking Circles: From Crime to Community. Living Justice Press. |
Real Justice (1998) Conferencing: A New Response to Wrongdoing. Real Justice.
Real Justice (1999) Building Strong Partnerships for Restorative Practices. Real Justice
Real Justice (2000) Restorative Practice in Action. Real Justice
Real Justice (2002) Dreaming of a New Reality. International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Real Justice (2003) Building a Global Alliance. International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Redekop, Vern (1993). Scapegoats, the Bible, and Criminal Justice: Interacting with René Girard. Akron: MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice/MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries.
Redekop, Vern (1994). "Report on the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R) Symposium in Wiesbaden-Naurod, Germany, June 8 - 11, 1994". (unpublished)
Rigby, Andrew (2001). Justice and Reconciliation: After the Violence. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Roberts, Tim (1995). Evaluation of the Victim Offender Mediation Project, Langley BC: Final Report for Solicitor General Canada. Victoria: Focus Consultants. (unpublished)
Roche, Declan (2003). Accountability in Restorative Justice. Oxford University Press.
Sharpe, Susan (1998). Restorative Justice: A Vision for Healing and Change. Edmonton: Edmonton Victim Offender Mediation Society."...one of the finest resources available to date."
—David Gustafson, Co-Director of Community Justice Initiatives, Langley, BC
"Susan Sharpe's handbook is great— probably the best around. I like the refreshing way that values and principles are articulated, their connection to implementation issues, and the concise summaries of issues and programs."
—Howard Zehr, Professor of Sociology and Restorative Justice, and author of Changing Lenses
"...invaluable advice to anyone interested in the practicalities of justice reform."
—David Moore, Director, Transformative Justice Australia
Schiff, Mara & Bazemore, Gordon (2000). Restorative Community Justice. Anderson Publishing.
Shriver, Donald W. (1995) An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
| Strang, Heather (2002). Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice. Oxford University Press. |
Strang, Heather & Braithwaite, John (2000) Restorative Justice: Philosophy to Practice. Ashgate Dartmouth.
| Strang, Heather & Braithwaite, John (2001) <Restorative Justice and Civil Society. Cambridge University Press. |
| Strang, Heather & Braithwaite, John (2002). Restorative Justice and Family Violence. Cambridge University Press. |
| Strickland, Ruth Ann (2003). Restorative Justice. Peter Lang Publishing. |
Sullivan, Dennis & Tifft, Larry (2001). Restorative Justice: Healing the Foundations of our Everyday Lives. Criminal Justice Press.
Tickell, Shari and Akester, Kate (2004). RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: The way ahead
 | Sullivan, Dennis and Tifft, Larry (2001). RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: Healing the Foundations of Our Everyday Lives. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. This bold, uncompromising essay poses a radical critique of current
criminal justice practices in favor of a restorative justice alternative, and
advocates a fundamental rethinking of restorative justice itself.
The authors call for two sweeping revisions in restorative justice
thinking: (1) replacing justice practices based on rights and "deserts" with
approaches that seek to meet the NEEDS of all -- including the harm-doer and the
community, as well as those directly affected by a harm; and (2) applying these
principles beyond the justice system to a broad range of social institutions,
including families, schools, workplaces and neighborhoods.
Dennis Sullivan directs the Institute for Economic and Restorative
Justice and is an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice at the State University
of New York at Albany. Larry Tifft is a Professor of Sociology at Central
Michigan University.
"At last, thanks to Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft, we have a coherent,
thoughtful alternative to the present `justice system.'" Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
 | Umbreit, Mark S., Vos, Betty, Coates, Robert B. and Brown, Katherine A. (2004) Facing Violence: The Path of Restorative Justice and Dialogue. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. A new study by a University of Minnesota research team concludes that,
when supervised by trained mediators, victim-offender mediation/dialogue
programs have usually resulted in life-transforming emotional healing for both
parties involved in severely violent crimes.
The study evaluates pioneering new programs in Texas and Ohio that
organize voluntary dialogues between offenders and victims (or their surviving
family members) in homicides and other violent crime cases. Among the 79 victims
and offenders interviewed by the researchers, 80% reported undergoing major
positive life changes as a result of the mediation programs. Agencies in at
least 15 states are currently developing protocols to initiate new
victim/offender mediation programs in violent crime cases.
Mark S. Umbreit is the founder and director of the Center for
Restorative Justice & Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota School of Social
Work. Betty Vos and Robert B. Coates are Senior Research Associates at the center
and former professors of social work. Katherine A. Brown is a mental health
administrator at the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
"This book is essential reading for serious students and professionals of
both restorative justice and victim assistance." Marlene A. Young, Executive
Director, National Organization for Victim Assistance
 | Umbreit, Mark S. (2000). The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation: An Essential Guide for Practice and Research. Jossey-Bass Publishers. "The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation is the first resource to provide a conceptual and research-based framework and a practical process for mediating a wide variety of criminal conflicts between victims of crime and their offenders." -Publisher "Brilliant! Mark Umbreit and his colleagues have written a comprehensive, practical and inspirational book that weaves a rich and varied tapestry depicting the principles, research and practice of restorative justice. Beyond its remarkable contribution to the literature on restorative justice, this book is essential reading for those who want to learn more about the
vital relationship among theory research and practice." -Michael Lang, Professor of Conflict Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC.
 | Umbreit, Mark S. (1995) Mediating Interpersonal Conflicts: A Pathway to Peace. West Concord, MN: CPI Publishing. "Mediating Interpersonal Conflicts: A Pathway to Peace provides a comprehensive overview of the many applications of mediation in families, schools, communities, and workplaces. In addition to presenting the various program models, research findings and available training resources, Dr. Umbreit emphasizes the transformative quality of mediation embodied in what he describes as a humanistic mediation model." -Publisher "As a mediator and researcher, Mark Umbreit offers a comprehensive, well-documented and
very readable book on the power of mediation to resolve conflicts in many different settings." -Alice Phalan, Executive Director, Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission. |
Umbreit, Mark S., with Robert B. Coates and Boris Kalanj (1994). Victim Meets Offender: The Impact of Restorative Justice and Mediation. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. 1-881798--02-X, $25.
"Mediation between crime victims and offenders represents a promising alternative to traditional 'assembly-line' criminal justice. Dr. Umbreit analyzes the first large multi-site evaluation of victim offender mediation programs working with the juvenile courts. His research in California, Minnesota, New Mexico and Texas provides encouraging empirical support for the effectiveness of restorative justice and mediation." -Publisher "Here in one easily-accessible book is a summary of key research finding in victim offender mediation/reconciliation, coupled with practical suggestions for those operating or starting such programs." -Howard Zehr Ph.D., Director MCC Office on Crime & Justice.
Umbreit, Mark, Vos, Betty, & Coates, Robert (2003). Facing Violence: The Path of Restorative Justice and Dialogue. Criminal Justice Press.
| Van Ness, Daniel and Strong, Karen Heetderks (1997). Restoring Justice. Anderson Publishing Co. |
Van Wormer, Katherine (2001). Counseling Female Offenders and Victims: A Strengths-Restorative Approach. Springer Publishing Co.
von Hirsch, Andrew, Roberts, Julian, Bottoms, Anthony, Roach, Kent, & Schiff, Mara (eds.) (2003). Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms?. Hart Publishing.
Walgrave, Lode (1998). Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Potentialities, Risks and Problems for Research. Leuven University Press.
Walgrave, Lode (2003). Restorative Justice and the Law. Willan Publishing.
Walgrave, Lode & Bazemore, Gordon (eds.) (1999). Restoring Juvenile Justice: An Exploration of the Restorative Justice Paradigm for Reforming Juvenile Justice. Criminal Justice Press.
Watchel, Ted (1997). Real Justice. The Piper's Press.
Weitekamp, Elmar & Kerner, Hans-Jurgen (2002). Restorative Justice: Theoretical Foundations. Willan Publishing.
Weitekamp, Elmar & Kerner, Hans-Jurgen (2003). Restorative Justice in Context: International Practice and Directions. Willan Publishing .
Wright, Martin (1991). Justice for Victims and Offenders. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Wright, Martin (1996). Justice for Victims and Offenders: A Restorative Response to Crime (2nd Ed.). Waterside Press.
Wright, Martin (1999). Restoring Respect for Justice. Waterside Press.
| Zehr, Howard (2002). The Little Book of Restorative Justice. Intercourse, Pennsylvania: Good Books. |
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