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Victim Offender Mediation Association

Conference 2001 Updates

October 9 update from the VOMA office:

VOMA is gearing up for the 2001 Annual Conference which is just around the corner. In light of the recent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington DC, we would like to have special dialog session and panel presentation on Wednesday Night during the Welcome Reception on the impact felt by Arab and Islamic community members and effective restorative justice responses.

If you have been involved in restorative justice efforts related to recent bias or hate crimes directed at Arab or Islamic community members, and are planning to attend the conference, we ask you to consider being a panel member for the Wednesday night discussion. Please contact Carol Zierman at the VOMA Administrative Office if you're interested in participating. She can be reached at czierman@effective.org or at (612)874-0570.

October 3 update from the VOMA office:

The 18th annual VOMA International Training Institute and Conference, October 22nd to 26th in Portland Oregon is proceeding as planned. In the aftermath of the events of September 11, VOMA believes it may be even more relevant than ever for restorative justice advocates to convene in dialogue together. Individual members of our communities are new victims of crime because of their faith or national origin as other members of our communities struggle with how to respond to the recent horrific attacks on innocent people.

VOMA appreciates that those attending the conference may need to make extra efforts as airplane schedules and security measures are modified over the next few days. However, we believe that the time of coming and being together for restorative responses to violence will be supportive and enriching to all of us and to our work on behalf of victims, offenders, and communities.

Please continue to register and to bring along your colleagues and friends. We'd like you to be a part of what will prove to be a rich and timely dialogue. VOMA is extending the early registration discount for those still able to attend. If you register by Friday, October 12, the cost of the five day training and conference is $435.00 with an additional 10% discount for members.

Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of civil rights activist Medgar Evars will be the keynote speaker. She is also the first woman to serve as chair of the NAACP. She will bring wisdom, experience and vision to our time together. Cost of the keynote address on Thursday, October 25, is $20.00.

Please visit the VOMA website at www.VOMA.org or contact the administrative offices of VOMA at 612-874-0570 or email at voma@voma.org for more information and registration materials.

September 13, 2001 - This update from Beverly Moore, VOMA 2001 Conference Site Coordinator:

The Oregon State Bar has approved the VOMA Training Institute and Conference for CLE credits. Depending upon how many hours the person attends, the Bar member can earn up to 23.5 practical skill credits for the Training Institute and a maximum of 9.75 credits for the Conference. CLE credits may be transferable to other State Bars. Out of state Bar members should check with their State Bar CLE office and follow their procedure.

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Last modified October 11, 2001. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.
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