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Victim Offender Mediation Association

VOMA Member Grant Program

Dear VOMA Members and Colleagues:

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the third cycle of the VOMA member mini-grant program. The list of awards is available at this link.

If you have any further questions, please contact Carol Swenson at the VOMA office at 612-874-0570 or email voma@voma.org.

Restorative Justice Week 2006 mini-grants

Information on the RJ Week 2006 mini-grant program is available here.

The VOMA Board has approved mini-grants to the following ten (10) members to support their RJ Week activities. We wish all of you continued success in your efforts to expand the principles and practices of Restorative Justice and to continually engage and involve your communities.
Jane Riese and Sheri Gatts
Co-Chairs of the VOMA Board

  1. Conflict Mediation Services -Downsview Toronto, Ontario Canada $250.00 "Building a Community of Hope" RJ conference - 11/17-19/06
  2. Merrill Middle School Oshkosh, Wisconsin $225.00 One of 25 schools in district - introducing RJ to the school. RJ Week is week of parent/teacher conferences. Will distribute "Guide to RJ" to all parents and send it home with report cards
  3. Georgia Council for RJ Georgia State University - Atlanta, GA $250.00 Ribbon campaign and literature distribution for students and faculty +teachers' guide, and speakers for school clubs.
  4. Mennonite Central Committee - Ontario Kitchener, Ontario Canada $250.00 Display "Justice quilt", Wilma Derksen speaker to 100+ inmates, RJ weekend in co-sponsorship with several Toronto organizations
  5. Association for Conflict Resolution, Maryland Chapter Crofton, MD $250.00 Maryland's First Annual RJ Conference held at Howard Community College in Columbia, MD 11/16-17/06 Little Book of RJ at conference for all attendees
  6. Loudoun County Juvenile Court Services Leesburg, VA $250.00 "Breaking Bread in Our Community" public event and recognition for RJ conference facilitators
  7. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Dept of Communication and Marquette RJ Initiative Milwaukee, Wisc. $125.00 Presentation at Red Granite Correctional Institution to introduce inmates to RJ Copies of materials, mileage reimbursement, reading materials for Prison Library
  8. Mediation Services Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada $250.00 Screening of "Meeting with a Killer", essay contest for children up to grade 12 + 9 presentations n schools around time of RJ Week
  9. Maria Antonietta Cannito Hjort, Baptist Chaplain at American University Washington DC $150.00 3-hour presentation for class of Victimology at School of Public Affairs of American University on November 11. Purchase materials and supplies for 30 students + DVD's for future volunteer presentations
  10. Community Justice and Mediation Centers Bloomington, Indiana $250.00 Annual "Breadfest" on November 15 - highlight RJ during event, expect about 100 persons. Support for staff time, design and print materials, set up display board and distribute materials

Last modified November 10, 2006. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.

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