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Victim Offender Mediation Association
Trainers and Trainings
This is the place where VOMA approved trainers let you know what they have available. To be included in this forum email VOMA's Administrator.
| Terry Anfinson
Terry Anfinson is the Executive Director of the Anishinabe OIC, host to the Mille Lacs Circle Process. We hold the distinction of being the first sentencing circle in the U.S., trained by Barry Stuart. In addition to presenting at conference and circle training around Minnesota, we do circle sentencing trainings for the University of North Dakota Law School. We are expanding our menu to include Family Group Conferencing having completed the Train-the-Trainer process by Florida Atlantic University under Dave Hines and Sue Stacey.
 | Bobbie Boland Bobbie Boland hails from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Eastern Canada. Bobbie has been a volunteer mediator and trainer with Community Mediation Services since 1997 and has been a VOMA Board member since 1999. She is a Registered Social Worker in private practice focused on, assessment and evaluation, group facilitation, gender analysis, training and conflict resolution. Bobbie co-authored, Keeping an Open Mind: A Look at Gender Inclusive Analysis, Restorative Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution and Making it Safe: Women, Restorative Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Bobbie believes that humor is essential to life and learning! |
 | David Doerfler More than 30 years experience in the field of counseling, mental health treatment, crisis and trauma intervention, death and dying, and individual, marriage and family services. Former ordained Lutheran minister, college football coach, prison guard; also former co-chair of VOMA. Presently serving on the Restorative Justice Council on Sexual Misconduct in Faith Communities. In 1985 created and developed within the Texas prison system a treatment/corrections/healing and aftercare program for sex offenders and their victims. In 1993 began the Victim Offender/Mediation Dialogue program for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Victim Services Division. Founder and facilitator of Concentric Journeys, a training and consultant service to develop programs and therapeutic alternative opportunities in other states and countries, especially for facilitating healing dialogue in crimes of severe violence. |
 | Lou Furman
Lou Furman, R.D.T., M.F.A., is Director of Turning Point Partners, a nonprofit organization that uses restorative and strength-based philosophy and practices to promote healthy and secure communities. Professor Emeritus at Washington State University, he has established programs in alternative and charter schools, and works extensively with incarcerated youth and special populations. A Registered Drama Therapist, Furman can effectively use role-playing techniques to enhance his activities, especially in victim awareness programs and preparations for victim offender conferencing. In addition, he leads trainings in Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Justice for schools, courts and the general public
 | Corneliu Loghin
"Cornel" Loghin is president of two non-governmental organizations in Romania—the Association of Professional Mediators and the US-Romanian Association for Dialogue and Dispute Resolution—and he is head of the Dispute Resolution Department of the Community Safety and Mediation Centre. Cornel has advanced restorative justice in Romania by introducing ADR and RJ models to professionals, educational institutions, and governmental and legal agencies, designing and introducing to the Parliament of Romania an ADR legal initiative, developing and implementing a two-year Masters Degree program in ADR at the State University of Iasi, organizing an ADR awareness campaign (including a video clip, press coverage, meetings, events, etc.), creating and supporting a network of professionals and organizations who share an interest in ADR, and establishing and managing the first professional service specializing in ADR. In addition to these activities, Cornel provides facilitation, mediation, negotiation services and training and he is a senior business consultant. He offers a 50-hour training in the theory and practice in Alternative Dispute Resolution as well as shorter trainings on related topics. |
 | Martin McAnallen
Martin McAnallen has practised within the mainstream criminal justice system for 26 years. Since the mid-1980s, he has been closely associated with the development of mediation practice in Northern Ireland as well as being involved in Alternatives to Violence project work and Restorative Justice. In 1992, Martin was a central to establishing what would become the Mediation Network for Northern Ireland, a highly respected agency in Northern Ireland. His special focus has been in the area of VOM and, particularly Family Group Conferencing with young offenders. As well as being an experienced trainer, Martin has published articles in two social work journals, Childcare in Practice and Scope. |
| Rosemarie Merrigan
Rosemarie has over twenty-five years of experience in social services and extensive experience in training, cultural diversity work, supervision, nonprofit management, and program and team development. As part of a team she developed and implemented an alternative school for adolescents that eventually became a charter school. She speaks conversational Spanish and has international work experience (in Central America). She has a Master’s in Social Work and is trained as a mediator (CDR). She teaches in a community faculty position at Augsburg and has taught at the U of MN. |
| Barbara A. Nimmer
Barbara Nimmer is the Director of Court Services for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin. Currently, she has developed and oversees three restorative justice programs, and is in the process of developing a Drug/OWI Court for the County. She has been involved with Restorative Justice for the past 18 years in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Barb has completed training in: Victim/Offender Conferencing, Small Group Conferencing, Facilitating Severe and Violent Offender Conferencing Training, and the VOMA Training for Trainers. She has facilitated numerous training for Victim/Offender Conferencing. |
 | Barbara Raye Barbara Raye provides strategic planning, program evaluation, cultural competence, board development, and restorative justice training to public and nonprofit organizations. She has trained internationally in Romania, Kenya, and Cyprus. As the Director of Victim Services for the MN Department of Corrections, she introduced Restorative Justice and integrated victim services into probation offices around the state. She has co-designed national curricula including training guides for the Peter Drucker Foundation's Self-Assessment tool and the Train the Trainer Curricula for Restorative Justice Mediation and Conferencing. Her chapter “How do Culture, Class and Gender Affect the Practice of Restorative Justice” is in the book Critical Issues in Restorative Justice (2004).
 | Jane Riese Jane Riese has been serving on the VOMA Board of Directors since 2000. She is the director of Bullying Prevention Services at Family-Child Resources, Inc. in York, PA and is a national Training Director with the Olweus Bullying Prevention Group based at Clemson University. In 1997, Jane created and directed a victim/juvenile offender mediation program for which she currently serves as a volunteer mediator. She is also a mediator in crimes of severe violence for the Pennsylvania’s Office of the Victim Advocate Mediation Program and had previously served as director of the York County District Attorney’s Victim/Witness Office. Jane has been a trainer for 23 years, is a licensed social worker, and has a Master’s Degree from Temple University. She is married and is the mother of 17-year-old Tom and 14-year-old Julie. |
 | Ann Roberts
Annie is a Senior Fellow with the University of Minnesota and she is the former Outreach Director at the Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota. She has great experience as mediator and facilitator and is well versed in a number of approaches (which include restorative justice dialogue and victim-offender mediation among others). As a published author and former Board Co-chair of the Victim Offender Mediation Association, Annie is committed to furthering best practice in the field and to advancing the locus of restorative justice standards, principles, and values. For the Association for Dialogue and Dispute Resolution, Annie provides training and mediation in restorative justice principles and practices. Annie also serves as a trainer for the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance. |
 | Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, MSW
As Director of the Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC) Office on Crime and Justice, Lorraine provides consulting and training for agencies/communities seeking to implement programs of restorative justice which specifically include a Victim Offender Mediation/Conferencing component. She has provided technical assistance and consulting for numerous programs throughout the U.S. Lorraine has worked in the victim offender field since 1984 when she began working in Elkhart, Indiana, the site of the first Victim Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP) in the U.S.
Lorraine has co-authored the Victim Offender Conferencing in PA’s Juvenile Justice System curriculum which is a 160-page manual focusing on the application of VOM/C within Pennsylvania. She has conducted skill-based training for volunteers as well as organizational trainings across the country. She has served as the keynote speaker for a number of organizational gatherings and conferences. She has also co-authored The Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools just released by Good Books.
 | Mark Yantzi
Mark Yantzi is Executive Director of Community Justice Initiatives (CJI) in Canada’s Waterloo Region. He was involved “The “Elmira Case,” which resulted in the first victim-offender program begun in 1974. Recipient of the National Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award in 2003, Mark authored Sexual Offending and Restoration (1998) and various other articles and book chapters. He has presented numerous workshops addressing restorative justice responses to past sexual offending. Mark holds a M.A.Sc. in Human Relations and Counseling and is a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
Last modified January 28, 2006. Maintained by Webmaster.
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