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Small VOMA Logo. Logo is initials VOMA with a dove carrying an olive branch. Colors blue-gray and white. The web page is white surrounded by the same blue-gray color. - jpg - 6481 Bytes

Victim Offender Mediation Association

Membership Categories

Agency Membership
Any organization that has an interest in the mediation process, the philosophy of restorative justice, or the criminal justice system. Available to those public, private, or government agencies which operate victim offender mediation or reconciliation programs or are in the process of establishing such a program. Membership is also recommended for government bureaus and offices, educational institutions or departments, libraries, or other groups which do not directly operate victim offender mediation or reconciliation programs.
Individual Membership
Available to those persons who are interested and/or involved in victim offender mediation and reconciliation programs.
Student Membership
Available to full-time students.
Institutional Membership
Available to libraries and educational institutions.

Annual Dues

IndividualUS$ 50
StudentUS$ 35
InstitutionalUS$ 50

Reduced annual dues available for agencies experiencing financial hardship.

VOMA Membership Application

Last modified August 12, 2006. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.

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